The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41611   Message #602573
Posted By: Terry K
03-Dec-01 - 02:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Santa Banned
Subject: RE: BS: Santa Banned
And the proof that any of that stuff is true?

It's only held to be true because the brainwashing process has gone on for so long that it has become established in people's minds and is perpetuated from brainwashed parent to innocent child.

Imagine, if you would, that none of the really far-fetched stuff had been heard of and you were the very first person that someone was trying to tell it to.

"yup, he just walked right across that water - must be a supernatural being. Now what I want you to do is this thing called worship"

"sure as hell he was dead, but a few days later, there he was, large as life. Now if that doesn't fit the bill for this "god" thing I've been telling you about"

I always think of Bob Newhart and the Walter Raleigh sketch. Why is it that people are quite happy to accept ridiculous notions if they came from long enough ago, whereas if they were put to them as new they would laugh them out of court?


p.s. Little Hawk, welcome to our planet. Now when you've settled in...........