The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41646   Message #603282
Posted By: Áine
04-Dec-01 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Alt. contacts for @home Mudcatters
Subject: RE: BS: Alt. contacts for @home Mudcatters
Dear Amergin,

Well, Dear Hubby loaded up Netscape 6.2 last night and the 'Cat was still looking pretty wobbly. This morning, however, things seemed to have improved a bit -- no more splattered format and/or gobbledygook; however, the menu bar/graphic at the very top of the main forum page and thread pages still goes catywhumpus every now and then (in both Netscape and IE). And I did notice that, in Netscape, as well as getting the usual 'Connecting to...' and 'Transferring data from...' messages when I tried to connect with the Mudcat server(s), I saw a 'Resolving host...' message as well. Is that a clue?

I figure it has something to do with the routers dropping a few bits and bytes here and there while AT&T gets their broadband act together. I'm adopting a 'wait and see' attitude. ;-)

-- Áine