The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36227   Message #603478
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-Dec-01 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Two Little Hands
Subject: ADD: I have two little hands
I got the lyric in a personal message from a wisecracker who wondered if the song had something to do with the chiropractic skills of my future wife....
Thank you,. Mr. Wiseguy ;-)
-Joe Offer-

Two Little Hands==a song about chiropracty? Humm...

Anyway, yes this is an LDS children's song, I sang it as a Primary child and it's still in the newer "Children's Songbook." Here are the lyrics:


I have two little hands, folded snuggly and tight.
They are tiny and weak yet they know what is right.
During all the long hours till daylight is through,
There is plenty indeed for my two hands to do.

Kind Father, I thank thee for two little hands
And ask thee to bless them till each understands
That children can only be happy all day
When two little hands have learned how to obey.

I think when we sang it 35-40 years ago, the first verse ended "there is plenty of work for my two hands to do." I guess with the child labor laws, they had to change it :-)

LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), is the formal term for "Mormons." -Joe Offer-