The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9242   Message #60364
Posted By:
26-Feb-99 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: sea shanties
Subject: Sea Shanties
Hello all!

Avast, and what not, even.

Yar! Okay, enough silliness, its just very early in the morning, and I've spent most of today looking for a decent .wav or .mp3 or real audio version of any number of good, fun Sea Shanties. Forbitters, long hauls, anything.

If anyone has any they'd be willing to part with to help start a personal collection, it would be much appreciated.

Besides that, I spent 4 years in the Navy, and never got to sing a real Sea Shanty once... pretty sad, such a good tradition fading to black.

Keep up the searching, ye landlubbers!

Any files or the location of such files (I'm especially looking for an audio of Yo Ho Ho - 15 men on a dead man's chest - which, while it may not be a real shanty, is one I really would like to hear the words sung to.) can be sent to:
