The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41583   Message #603704
Posted By: mousethief
04-Dec-01 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where Is God Book Two
Subject: RE: BS: Where Is God Book Two
Tolerance and kindness I can agree wholeheartedly with. Believe me, I am under no illusions as to how many people share my understanding of God. Nor do I wish to muzzle anybody. I just wonder why some people --you will have to decide if this shoe fits you or not-- seem to be very loud in their anti-God tirade. What do they stand to gain? Like I said, I can understand someone wanting to talk about something they believe in or something they admire, whether it's a new girlfriend or the joys of Morris dancing or whatever. But to be noisy about a negative assertion doesn't seem to have the requisite motivation (my own harping about Bob Dylan notwithstanding).

I'm sorry if you felt this was a barb pointed for you, SharonA. I have nothing but respect for you, based on our (admittedly limited) interactions here on the 'Cat so far. We can agree to disagree about God without rudeness or felt need to convert one another, I hope.
