The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29897   Message #605508
Posted By: GUEST,Genie (tossed my cookie)
07-Dec-01 - 02:15 AM
Thread Name: Help: Illinois/Chicago Songs
Subject: RE: Help: Illinois/Chicago Songs
One dark night when we were all in bed,
Old mother O'Leary took a lantern in the shed.
Cow kicked it over, and  this is what she said:
"There'll be a  hot  time in the old town tonight!"

How about "The Eggplant That Ate Chicago?"  (1960's pop song)

Wabash Cannonball:
"Oh, the eastern states are dandy, so the western people say,
New York to St. Louis, Chicago by the way ... ."

U of Illinois fight song:
We're loyal to you, Illinois,
We're orange and blue, Illinois [really].
We'll back you to stand 'gainst the best in the land,
'Cause we know you have sand, [whatever that means] Illinois.
So, strike up the band, Illinois
da da da da da, Illinois.
Our team [is our great protector?]
On, boys, 'cause we expect a
Touchdown from you, Illinois.

Smothers Brothers:  "We Are Marching To Peoria ... ."

Now, someone need to write a song about Urbana!

Genie (U of I post-grad alum)