The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29897   Message #605727
Posted By: GUEST
07-Dec-01 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: Help: Illinois/Chicago Songs
Subject: RE: Help: Illinois/Chicago Songs
There's a great song written by Tom Dundee called 'McBride/Argyle Station Furnished Rooms' on a release entitled 'A Delicate Balance''ll break your heart. There, also was a second compilation release from the Earl of Old Town called 'Enterainment Nightly' that's not a typo that's what the album was called. It's got most of the performers of the era '77-82 on it. There's another compilation released in the late 80's by The Old Town School of Folk Music featuring staff members at that time. There's good and not-so-good tracks included on both if they're even still available...