The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41753   Message #606648
Posted By: The Shambles
09-Dec-01 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: UK Minister insults folkmusic: complain!
Subject: RE: UK Minister insults folkmusic: complain!
Given the recent common's insult to folk music, the following article shows a fine grasp of the art of prediction. From the Musician's Union journal 'Musician' in September 2001.

Foot in mouth?

Welcome aboard to the new Minister for Broadcasting, Film and tourism, rock climber, jazz lover and sculptor, Kim Howells. However, he seems to have got off to a dodgy start with his remarks on "arty farty" British films, comparing them unfavourably with the American factory produced models.

What, you mean arty farty films as in Bridget Jones Diary, Billy Elliot, A Fish Called Wanda, Four Weddings, or even Kevin and Perry Go Large – all of which were extremely successful at the box office?

But we can forgive such indiscretions when we remember that just over a year ago, when he held a key post at the Dept of Trade and Industry, Dr Howells showed a firm grasp of nitty gritty music issues, when he addressed the AGM of the Music Publishers Association and spoke knowledgeably on the subject of intellectual property and internet piracy.

A bright, energetic fellow obviously – the sooner we get him onside on the Two in bar question (something to do with Tourism surely?) the better.

"I believe that the quality of our arts and cultural industries, our creative talents are central to the task of recreating the sense of community.. I value too the folk group in the local pub in Trimdon Village." Tony Blair, Mansion House speech, 03 February 1997.

It may be better to write to the Ministry as the Minister may change? Not a good idea to disagree with the 'boss'.