The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41909   Message #606662
Posted By: Deckman
09-Dec-01 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: Your best musical advice in one post!
Subject: RE: Your best musical advice in one post!
Good thread Rick! About 100 years ago, when I was a serious vocal student, I was given some very good advice regarding the tecnique of "projection." This refers to the ability to 'project' your voice clearly to anywhere in the room, or concert hall. I loved the above comment suggesting that you sing to just one person in the room ... that can work. This vocal coach I had suggested that I imagine that there is a solid brick wall, six feet high, between he and I. He was standing one side, me on the other. My task was to sing my voice OVER that brick wall, clearly and on pitch, WITHOUT raising my head or volume. As I got better at it, I could actually lower my volume almost to a whisper, and be heard VERY clearly across the room, down the hall, and around the corner. TRUE! It requires much practice and focus. But even today, one hundred years later, I do believe that I am still known for my ability to make myself clearly heard even when I'm almost singing in a whisper. CHEERS, Bob(trying to be helpful)Nelson