The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41909   Message #606738
Posted By: Rick Fielding
09-Dec-01 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Your best musical advice in one post!
Subject: RE: Your best musical advice in one post!
Wow....Great suggestions!

I know I suggested that we just give our best advice and leave it at that, but I can't help but editorialize just a bit...

What Don and Jerry said makes a huge amount of sense to me. If it's in your nature and personality to 'entertain' or make it feel like 'real fun'....go for it! You don't need a whole lot of technical stuff to really make a group of people or kids or even someone on the skids or in a sick bed, feel so much better. Not everyone is 'wired' that way, but if there's a 'bit of ham in you...smoke it!'

Now for two more cents worth:

The instrument you HAVE is not neccessarily the instrument that will make you play the best, or have the most fun with. If you can't SEE your right hand (and you think you need to, to play better, maybe you need a smaller (thinner) instrument. If your left hand fingers really hurt (after a few weeks) maybe you need to get an easier playing instrument. (at least get a repairperson to check the action)

The ultimate example of this is someone with a convex front, playing a guitar with a convex back (Ovation)...not the greatest fit!
