The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41928   Message #607196
Posted By: Pip Freeman
10-Dec-01 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wild Moggie Help
Subject: RE: Help: Wild Moggie Help
I found two kittens in our wood, I think they were more likely to be ferals than dumped domestic ones. They were very tiny, sick, cat flu, an injured eye and lots more, and needed to be nurtured with glucose and milk, they cost me a fortune in vets bills.

Now I have a tabby ex-tom called Oedipuss, he has become very much an indoor cat, slobbing in front of the fire. He is very tame, but still has the instincts of a wild cat and can pin your hand down and kick and bite you. The other one a pretty silver grey female called Bella, still prefers being outdoors, and runs away from you and hides, not tame at all. However when you do catch her she is totally gentle and never scratches. There's nowt so queer as cats!!