The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6961   Message #608313
Posted By: masato sakurai
12-Dec-01 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Honey in the Rock
Subject: RE: honey in the rock : more lyrics?
A different version of "Honey in the Rock" was sung by A.C. Forehand & Blind Mamie Forehand and was recorded in 1927 (on Storefront & Streetcorner Gospel 1927-1929, Document DOCD-5054). Still another version was by Five Blind Boys of Alabama, in c.1950/51 (reissued on Five Blind Boys of Alabama 1948-1951, FLY CD 946). The first three lines are the same as those in Sweet Honey in the Rock's version of "Sweet Honey in the Rock" below, which is a "new version by Bernice Reagon" (on Sweet Honey in the Rock, Flying Fish FF 70022):


Sweet honey in the rock
Sweet honey in the rock
Know it taste like honey in the rock
I come warm, I come gentle, and I come strong, and I come cooing
Know it taste like honey in the rock

Incidentally, Rev. D.C. Rice sang a song seemingly not related but containing the line "there is honey in the rock for you etc." repeatedly in his sermon record titled "A Sure Foundation" (1928) (on Rev. D.C. Rice 1928-1930, Document DOCD-5071).
