The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41676   Message #608395
Posted By: John J
12-Dec-01 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Friendly Beasts (Christmas)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tabby Cat Verse to 'Friendly Beasts'
From my mate John Mc, who in spite of all I've nagged, is STILL not a Mudcatter!

Ah,but dear boy,a few problems arise from this basic theory,how is the whole thing guided? ,have you considered the impact on the system of the wrong sort/colour of leaf landing on the carpet,presenting the cats with an intermittent imbalance in the basic theory,or possibly an innocent incontinent badger meandering down the"track" leaving regular droppings which I'm sure could cause oscillations,the culmination of which could be "cat--astrophic" You realise, of course ,that there would have to be regular changes of cats during a journey of any length to avoid undue stress (and not to upset the shapeless knitted hat and grannyglass brigade.) I would suggest something along the lines of revolving chambers (similar to the Colt .45 peacemaker) whereby the cats could be rotated into the powercar,fed, rested.and I would suggest re applied with the tikka sauce.The intervals should be set by some responsible body. As to propulsion ,I would strongly suggest a holographic image of a dog should be projected to the rear of the train this could be varied from a slow walk to full speed,therefore enabling speed to be controlled.Braking could be the converse,a dog coming towards the train.Express routes could use the images of a hunting pack in full cry.. I think I may have the guidance system problem sorted out,line either side of the shagpile strip with dog fur,this will repel the train and keep it "on the rails" Hoping this will be of use, Reginald P.Cattlyttre. Engnr(retd)