The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42041   Message #609356
Posted By: Big Mick
13-Dec-01 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Let's hear it for Patrish!
Subject: RE: BS: Let's hear it for Patrish!
Let me add to the chorus. In fact, I want to add a personal story. A month or so ago I was up on my high horse about a post in the Mudcat. Those of you who know me know that I do this this from time to time, much to my later regret. Turns out that the post that I was ranting about (and unjustifyably so, I might add) had come from Patrish, and not the person I thought. This wonderful person drops me a PM to let me know that I was wrong. The tone of the post was as if she felt bad that her post had spawned my completely unjustified rave. I immediately offered to come on and apologize to which she replied that I shouldn't because she was worried about MY image. What a complete pearl of great worth she is. I was wrong, she was wronged, and she was worried about me. I determined to wait for the right time. It is now.

Patrish, love, you are one of the things that are right in this world. This demonstrates what a great heart you have, and what joy you bring others. Thanks for being who and what you are, dear friend. YOU are one of the most respected people here, and I am grateful that you allow me to be your friend.

Love and affection,
