The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41964   Message #609400
Posted By: Bobert
13-Dec-01 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Department of Peace
Subject: RE: BS: Department of Peace
Another of Einstien's obsevations that "insanity" is repeating a behavior expecting different results. Making war is not unlike the guy trying for the three thousanth time to figure out which shell covers the pea. This isn't about the Marines, or the N.R.A., or teaching your kids that peace can only be achieved by having a bigger stick than the other guy. ("You kids play nicely now or I'll kill both of you.") This is an age of possibility. Mankind has come so far in the last 50 years. Peace is possible and the kind of thing that I want MY government involved. If one lets cynicism rule one's thinking then the ol' bobert can see why it is so very difficult to comprhend a governemnt actually acting to promote betterment of our lives. But if enought folks can push the cynicism aside then the possiblity of PEACE is, well... possible.