The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41964   Message #609523
Posted By: GUEST,Dewey
14-Dec-01 - 04:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Department of Peace
Subject: RE: BS: Department of Peace
I think the idea of a Department of Peace is a noble one. Yes, we all know that War can lead to peace too, EVENTUALLY, after all the ugliness and blood 'n guts is over! And over somewhere else, (namely outside the U.S.A.) Outside the superpower: in a torn and devasted country like Afghnistan for example.

What a price the U.S. has had it pay (and by doing it the ugly way: securing peace through the devastation of an angry, poor and abandoned country the world forgot)

Most Wars I am convinced are fought because of needs, needs which are UNMET, to which creates hatred, ignorance, irrational resentment and corrupt governments in abandoned and forgotten nations throughout the world.

Many of the wars, especially in Africa, are simply over resources.

Sure, the Congressman is being laughed at for his proposal. But, remember: they laughed at Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations too! I doubt however that anyone would laugh today. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting and trying to promote and secure peace throughout the world. It is the KEY, yet it is the one proposal so often ignored!

It further disgusts me that so many people would rather see the bombs fly instead as the main solution for peace. Bombs are the last resort! And the ugliest one at that! Yet unfortnately most American's seem to want to use them as the first and final solution above all other means. Their money would be much better spent in peacebuilding I believe!

The Department of Peace Sounds Like a Grand and Novel Idea to me. It's usually the guy who comes up with the unconventional idea that also has the right one I have found! We've had the Department of War, and the Twentieth Century was undoubltedly the bloodest Century in human history. Its time we try and consider something new and different, this just could be it. Reguardless it still should gets its chance to be tried in my book!
