The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42078   Message #610031
Posted By: Lanfranc
14-Dec-01 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Panto anyone???
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Panto anyone???
Just at that moment, in came a strange character carrying a guitar case covered with stickers from long-defunct Folk Clubs.

"Maggots!" he cried, "They are not maggots, they are gentles! Please let me hold your gentles, just for a moment!"

Needless to say, this was misheard by the assembled company, who rose to their feet, clutched their crotches and proceeded to stone the uncomprehending ancient folkie.

"I haven't been stoned like this since 1972," he cried.

"Oh, yes you have", cried the mob

"Oh, no I haven't", protested the ancient folkie,"Let me explain"

"These magical gentles, as I call them, or maggots, as you would have it, were plucked by two crows from the rotting corpse of a knight who was slain in battle. They now have, incorporated into their DNA, the good and magical essence of the extinct noble knight. However, to realise their full potential, they must be fed to a magical catfish, which will then speak, offering to grant wishes."

(All now sing "Gentle on my Mind", seguing into "Twa Corbies" and "When the Boat Comes In")

"Hey, Huck, where's that fish you caught?" said SBD.....