The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42106   Message #610081
Posted By: GUEST,little john cameron
14-Dec-01 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
Subject: Christs' face found in potato.
EXCLUSIVE by Ingrid Macpherson Local Glen Lachart farmer, Hector Young, was said to be "surprised" yesterday, after finding the face of Jesus of Nazareth - inside a potato.

"It was amazin', sae it wis," said Hector, as he proudly showed off his holiest of root vegetables. "There I wis, cuttin' up some tatties for wir dinner, when all o' a sudden, somethin' in one o' the tatties caught m' eye. It was a face. The face o' Jesus Christ!"

When asked how he knew the face in the potato to be that of The Son of God, Hector replied "yon beard o' his an' his long hair", before adding, "an' his halo". Another miracle eh? ljc