The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41909   Message #610097
Posted By: GUEST,mkebenn@work
14-Dec-01 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Your best musical advice in one post!
Subject: RE: Your best musical advice in one post!
My best piece of advice is for singing. I grew up in the sixties, and I wanted to be Roger Maguinn. I'd sing in that high register and sound awful. my dad was listening to me one day and said " Why don't you sing in your own voice?" I,of course, looked at him with my best "hopeless square" stare and went on warbleing. It took me years to understand what he meant. My voice is much closer to Mr. Cash's than Roger's. I started singing from deep in my chest in my normal range and the diffence is incredible. Be yourself, sound like yourself. Mike