The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9429   Message #61014
Posted By: Hank
02-Mar-99 - 08:43 AM
Thread Name: Song Banned by Bill Gates.
Subject: RE: Song Banned by Bill Gates.

Pardon if I'm overreacting to your 2000 commment, but as a comptuer person I'm very sick of hearing about it. It wouldn't be so bad, execpt that I've never seen anyone make claims that were even so much as half true. the only even most of us will see on jan 1 2000 is a big hangover. Life will go on, or if doesn't it will be God's fault, not some dumb computers.

Mosts computers built since 1970 were designed resistent, and anything that was missed is rather easy to correct. Its programs written in 1950, about the time my parents were in diapers that is causing a problem.

Now back to our regularry scheduled threads.

Hurrah Hurrah
for the gals of Doublin town
Hurrah for the bonnie green flag
and the harp without the crown

Guess what I'm listening too now...