The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42106   Message #610151
Posted By: little john cameron
14-Dec-01 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
ye bunch o' blasphemers.Get doon oan yer hunkers ask forgiveness fae the Holy Spud.Ye must hae FAITH.Three million Irishmen cannae be wrang
Though the "Spud o' Christ" has been described as nothing more than a "poor caricature, crudely drawn on with black marker pen", Hector remains unswayed in his belief, and has decided to share the holy vegetable with the world, for what he claims is a "very reasonable price".


"I'm either goin' tae let folk see it for £10 a time, or I'm goin' tae sell it aff tae whoever'll gie me five thoosand poonds fur it," Hector told us as he returned the potato to the locked strong box which will be its home until Hector finds someone to take it off his hands. Or it rots.

Response to the potato has been overwhelmingly lukewarm from local residents, despite Hector's best efforts of raising interest by shoving the potato into people's confused faces and shouting "Spud o' Christ!" in a loud, roaring voice.

PHOTOGRAPH Local religious expert, Father Woods was approached for his opinion on the phenomenon, but unfortunately suffered some form of seizure when we showed him our photograph and told him of Hector's money-making plan. We hope he makes a swift recovery, and urge all our readers to pop in and visit him in the intensive care unit of Raigmore hospital in Inverness.

Ah forgot tae mention it wis an Irish tattie.