The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42078   Message #610161
Posted By: Bert
14-Dec-01 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Panto anyone???
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Panto anyone???
A tootling is heard off stage. Skiff, dressed as a court jester enter left tootling a tune on his kazoo. The tune could either be Oh Suzanna or The Rocky Road to Dublin. Exactly which is unclear.
Spotting the fish in the bucket he exclaims "Oh goody, You make some Hush Puppies Dame Catspaw, and I'll cut some coleslaw."
"Oh no you wont" yells Dick,
"Oh yes I will" yells Skiff.
This goes back and forth a few times echoed by the audience.

"But I've been commanded by the Queen to fix her supper" says Skiff.

He has barely finished his speech when Jeri enters left dressed as Queen Elizabeth, in a dowdy coat with a handbag and an amorphous blob of a hat on her head.

"Hwaires maiy suppah" she exclaims in a hoity toity voice. Then she sees the fish and says "Oh maiy, THAT'S A BIG 'UN" lapsing into broad Cockney on the last four words.

Dick rushes forward and pushes in front of her. "You're NOT going to eat my pet, you're NOT, NOT, NOT!"

"I wouldn't dream of eating a pet" says The Queen.
"We'll have toad in the hole for supper, I'll just get changed" She walks behind a screen and immediately appears from the other side dressed in the full garb of her illustrious predecessor, ruff, headgear, jewels, the lot.
Thunderous applause from the audience.

"Now" she continues "where are you going to put such a big one?"
"I'm keeping him in my Greenhaus" says Dick.

Gargoyle comes on stage in front of the curtains and prompts the audience into giving a loud groan.