The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42106   Message #610225
Posted By: Sorcha
15-Dec-01 - 01:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
Sorry, Spud Murphy. Didn't quite mean it that way.......Spaw, you wanna explain just why Jesus would be offended at anything relating to spuds? Aren't the Irish one of the biggest defenders of the faith? Cripes, that was rude of me, wasn't it? Sorry.....but the whole idea is still ridiculous.

We were in New Meixico when The Face appeared on a wall somewhere, I forget just where. Mora, maybe. Talk about idiocy---Mr. worked 4 24 hr. days just directing traffic.....and there was really nothing to see. Shadows caused by a street lamp......

Just as a "thought for the day" did you know that RC Latin/Hispanic Americans score almost off the MMPI scale for schizophrenia? Not an opinion, a fact from my MA (Psych) mom.

MMPI--Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test