The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42138   Message #610736
Posted By: Greg F.
15-Dec-01 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: Help: Jealous Lover / Jealous Brother
What the heck, its the Christmas Season- & this is more fun than what I was doing, anyway. Enjoy-

Best, Greg.


She dressed herself in men's attire, so gaily was she dressed.
A-thinking to meet her own true love, the one that she loved best.
But when he saw her a-coming he cried out, "Who is there?
"It is my eldest brother thinking to meet my dear.

"But how soon will I deceive him for his butcher I shall be.
"He shall not live to enjoy my love nor yet to bother me
He fired right at him (as he thought) which caused his true love to fall
And in her tender bosom he lodged a fatal ball.

"I fall, I fall, I fall" cried she, "I fall onto the ground
"Oh Jimmy, cruel Jimmy, you have gave me my death wound
"Come look at the crimson tide that from my heart does flow
"Oh Jimmy, cruel Jimmy, how could you use me so?"

And when he saw what he had done he tore his lovin' hair
Another loaded pistol for himself he did prepare
"I shall die for the love of Mary, I shall die for the life of thee
"Come all bold lads and bold lassies, beware of jealousy."

--- From Helen Creighton's Maritime Folk Songs
Rec. by Ian & Sylvia on Northern Journey