The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42106   Message #611188
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Dec-01 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
I have had patchy memories of several past lives, Spaw, and in NOT ONE of them was I embodied as anyone famous! Anyone interesting? Well, yeah. Everyone is interesting, once you really get to know them...

At least I think so. Maybe you don't.

I don't specifically recall a life in which I was a "poor, filthy, little syphilitic scrounger who died at age 18 in a sewer", but I will not rule out the possiblity! There are worse fates than that.

Such a life could prove quite illuminating upon later reflection...perhaps more useful than many, in fact, as a lesson in spiritual evolution.

- LH