The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41964   Message #611588
Posted By: Bobert
17-Dec-01 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Department of Peace
Subject: RE: BS: Department of Peace
I'm not really sure what I said that got you so riled up there, Steve, but while I'm stickin' with what I have said, I am sorry to have hurt your feelings. Like you I am tired of fighting for human rights, justice, tolerance and peace. We shouldn't have to do this but our government has somehow been so corrupted by money, corporate profits and special interest groups, that is almost dysfuntional in that it just plainly cannot do things that it can to better mankind. Why? Warren Zebon said it best: "Lawyers, Guns and Money" and that has not chnaged. I'm tired too, my friend, of writing letters and demonstrating but I will do it because I feel it is not only my right, but more importantly, my duty. My parents were my age in the late 60's and having come thru the Depression, the Second World War, Korea, McCartyism, they too were tired. But that didn't stop them from marching in civil rights and antiwar demonstrations. Sure, it would be nice if our kids would take up the cause and maybe they will come on board. I'm sorry, my friend, that you are too tired to stand up and say, "Hey, this is what I have spent my life fighting for and I'm not going to let the Ashcrofts, the Rumsfields and the Bushs with their turn back the clock thinking chip away at the gains my country has made." Yeah, I'm tired, too, but not to tired to at least stand up and speak out against the right wingers who have nothing to offer America other than worn out, failed policies from our past. Peace.


I'm not familiar with O'Hurly's but have been to the Mecklinburg Inn. They have an open mike on Tuesday nights beginning around 9:00. I quit performing publicly in 1976 and have since then played only a parties but my wife has been pushing me to get back into it since I'm still playing and writing songs. Tell me more about O'Hurleys and I'll get by to see what it's all about since I'm only 25 minutes from Sheppardstown and absolutely love it up there.