The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38385   Message #611690
Posted By: Mrrzy
17-Dec-01 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Humor Us, Chapter II
Subject: RE: BS: Humor Us, Chapter II
The one about Lou Duva reminds me of a friend who had a lovely country house with a large glassed-in room facing South; he claimed the advantage in the wintertime (and I quote) was that you didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to see the sun rise.

The one about the kite-flyers reminds me of Rory o'the Glen, from I believe either Roger Zelazny or Larry Niven. Very funny!

And I especially like the tallywhacker in the vise. There ought to be a Lorena Bobbitt reference in there somewhere...

So, OK, not new, but I've been running into people who haven't heard it...this is my favorite sexist joke:
Q: Why don't women have brains?
A: Because they don't have a scrotum
to carry'm around in!