The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42078   Message #611749
Posted By: lady penelope
17-Dec-01 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Panto anyone???
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Panto anyone???
Enter Zip stage right with box under arm. He's in a terrible hurry and is looking over his shoulder at something behind. Such is his concentration that he crashes straight into Dame Spaw.

D.S. " And where do you think you are going?"
Z."I'm going to put me box away."
D.S." what's in the box? Is it gold, or at least something useful?"
Z." It's a lion" ( grins happily )
D.S. "A lion? Don't be so daft, how can you get a lion in there?"
Z."Well, once I found it a smaller cage, it fit right in!"
Dame Spaw gives up in disgust and decides to "humour the idiot".
D.S."So, what else have you got in there? I suppose you're going to tell me you've got a Giraffe in there as well, eh?"
Z." Don't be daft, tsk, ha!"
D.S."Well I'm glad you're stopping that nonsense there....."
Z." The Lion ate the Giraffe!!!!"

Dame Spaw chases Zip off the stage with much clipping of ears........

TTFN M'Lady P.