Thank, Steve, for your clarification and for sharing a little insights into who you are and what you do. Being new to this site I haven't figured folks out and I know I can be a bit hard to take so bare with me.We have something in common in that I was a social worker in my former life. Adult services in Richmond, Va. My case load hovered around 65 to 75 folks, 70% of whom were revolving door Department of Mental Health folks, 20% old folks, mostly women and the last 10% physically disabled. I can honestly say that I am happy to have done it and look back on those years as very special. The only bad part was when I woke up one morning and couldn't do it another day, got myself about half wierded out and had to find some other means of making a living.
As for the finacial aspects of peace v. war. Both are subsidized. And both have the same objectives. If and when we can look at it this way then we can ask ourselves, "Which is the better buy?". I am realistic enough know that we will alwayd have a Department of Defense which should be pretty much just that so I can envision both departments working together with a greater effort than ever before toward trying to use creative tools to resolve conflicts without killing folks. Peace.