The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42078   Message #611809
Posted By: Allan C.
17-Dec-01 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Panto anyone???
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Panto anyone???
Aside to 'Spaw and other semi-innocent bystanders: I am starting to catch on. I believe what we have here is totally random craziness and blithering. The joke for the insiders is that they already know there is no theme and that there are no rules whatsoever - they only pretend these exist. It is all an elaborate ruse for the benefit of putting one over on the outsiders.*

It all reminds me of the party game in which one or more people are removed from the room. When they are returned to the room, one at a time, they are told that a story has been concocted by the ones who stayed. The task is for the individual to figure out the story by asking questions, answerable by "yes", "no" or "maybe". What he does not know is that there is no story. The group answers his questions according to the ending of the last word of his question. Final vowels are answered by a "yes". Final consonants receive a "no". Questions ending in "y" are answered by "maybe". Thus, a question such as, "Is the story about me?" would be answered by "Yes". "Am I the main charactor of the story?" would get an answer of "maybe". Confusion soon ensues and continues until the individual breaks the "code" or issues a plea to cease and desist, at which time the next victim is returned to the room.

*This is all tongue-in-cheek, guys. I am thoroughly enjoying the insanity of this panto. I only wish I could see one in person.