The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42181   Message #612522
Posted By: Jack The Lad
18-Dec-01 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: Is Arafat Irrelevant
Subject: RE: Is Arafat Irrelevant
(Original)Guest's article is an obvious attempt at trolling. Personally I'm just as fed up with this kind of propaganda as I am with habitual Israel bashers. Nothing is going to be solved by people who believe they have a God given right not to consider other peoples' rights. People in this area will have to resolve their differences,and learn to live together. If "Guest" doesn't live here ( as I suspect) , it isn't going to be his/her sons killing each other- it's going to be my son and Ahmed's son. No amount of propaganda or trolling is going to make that right. If guest does live in the region I can probably guess where.

As to McGrath's posting of the article from the Guardian- that article was referring to 1953- when Sharon was not an occupier- and the infant Israel was suffering from marauders everyday, committing the same unspeakable acts of terror, murder and mayhem that some people are committing today- Israel was not occupying the West Bank then.

Irish Lass- You cant understand how people who look alike fighting........ It has always intrigued me how the Protestant Irish and the Catholic Irish can tell each other apart- seriously- how can they? Some Jews and some Arabs look alike- but mostly its a question of geography, accent, dress and customs- as I suspect it is in the case of the Irish, except perhaps dress.

Jack The Lad- In Israel