The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9464   Message #61314
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
04-Mar-99 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req:The Headless Gunner? (Warren Zevon)
Subject: RE: LYRC REQ:The Headless Gunner???
Gee, I always thought "Cracklin' Rosie" was insightful and tuneful.

I have been having the devil of the time on the Internet for the past week. Netscape has given up the dust and won't find anything. It tells me it is searching, but it never activates the modem. I suspect Microsoft (with Internet Explorer) of sabotage. So, I use Explorer, but it requires multiple clicks to get anything done. For example, I tried four times to clear the above submission. I finally just gave up. Obviously it sent all four and never returned me to the forum. Is it just me and my computers (and perhaps my ISP?) Any feedback here or on a personal e-mail would be appreciated.

Roger in Baltimore