The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9474   Message #61317
Posted By: Chet W.
04-Mar-99 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: Can we lighten up a little?
Subject: RE: Can we lighten up a little?
Ferrara, with you all the way. I have pretty much stopped writing to the threads because of the behavior you mention; sadly, because I used to really enjoy the various debates. My theory is (and I learned most of what I know from the Andy Griffith Show) is that everybody's looking for their own safe little Mayberry, and for some of us, that haven takes the form of a particular, sometimes very narrow, genre of music. Having found that Mayberry (may we all find our own), they're ready to defend it and make maybe a bit too much of it in terms of sanctity, to the point of being intolerant or even hurting others' feelings, and we are a sensitive lot, aren't we? I love the variety of music. I love the variety of folk music. I love it when people add their own ideas to the ongoing traditions. I had my fill of what we used to call the "folk Nazis" many years ago (for example, if you didn't sound exactly like a Gid Tanner record from the 20's then get off the stage). God bless us all in our search for harbor; Please let's remember that we're all on the same trip.

Thanks for your comments, Chet W.