The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9474   Message #61339
Posted By: katlaughing
04-Mar-99 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: Can we lighten up a little?
Subject: RE: Can we lighten up a little?
I understand and empathise with you, Jenny, on feeling safe. Three years ago, in the middle of the night, when I was driving my daughter to the hospital emergency room, someone came up fast, in their car, behind me, on a dark and lonely road and shot a gun across the back of my car, then roared on past us. I was terrified to drive alone, at night, for over a year after that. I hope you do find the serenity of feeling safe, again, in your home and here at the Mudcat.

I found the Mudcat in January, the same month my mother passed away, my dog tried to eat the cat, and my older dog had to be put down. Despite my sometimes thin-skin and the temper which gave me the nickname of "Irish" when I was younger, I do not think I could've kept my sanity were it not for the regulars on here who wrote such kind notes of concern and care during those tough times. So many times, when I couldn't sleep, I'd find myself chuckling or even crying while visiting with new-found friends who asked nothing of me except a good listen.

Yes, I've taken offense at terse replies and I'm sure I've given offense, but, as I said in a thread nobody has posted to, "If M'Catters Ruled the world" (can't get it right all of the time, eh?***grin*** no offense taken), I have found the regulars and visitors all to be generally tolerant, well-spoken, and delightfully eclectic in their opinions about almost anything. I find it delightful to come to a site where one might have to use their brain and a dictionary from time to time, as opposed to some of the chat sites I've checked out, where a running conversation consists of "duh"; "no way"; "yes, way!"; and "duh!".

If I've offended anyone, please, accept my apologies. I hope the regulars keep up with the pithy, witty, ripostes and the incredible amount of information about music and other matters of digression. I forward a lot of them to my 82 yr. old dad, who has decided Mudcatters are a "fine bunch of people"; no small compliment, that, coming from him.

Welcome to anyone seeking info on a song, name in the thread title, or no, but please keep up the friendly banter!

Sincerely and Without Malice Aforethought,

Katlaughing, P.S. Catspaw: how do you sign a "nice ass"?:')))