The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42271   Message #613445
Posted By: GUEST
19-Dec-01 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lord of the Rings - Just see it!
Subject: RE: BS: Lord of the Rings - Just see it!
McGrath says:

Only adverse comment I've heard which I might treat seriously is one that the hobbits and the Shire were presented as being Irish.

If so I'm a bit disappointed, since they are quintessentially English, and the music should reflect that, with the Irish music saved for the Elves.

Desdemona says:

McGrath---I like your comment above re:all things folk being perceived as somehow Irish; a mediaevalist friend of mine always cites "St Fiona's Law" in these cases: "Anything Celtic is period"!

I, an Irish poster, say--enough with the anti-Irish sentiments, already. Please keep your bigotries and prejudices to yourselves, and let us discuss the film without making such offensive (to me) remarks.
