The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42271   Message #613582
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
20-Dec-01 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lord of the Rings - Just see it!
Subject: RE: BS: Lord of the Rings - Just see it!
Saved by the Ring, BanjoRay!

It could well be that Grab you are right and it's the newspaper writer that got it wrong - "people tend to assume that any folk music with a bit of life in it must be Irish" was how I put it.

Either way it's not something that's going to spoil the film for me. If the kind of critic that gave it two stars had liked it I'd be looking forward to it a lot less hopefully. There was one of them on the box the other day maundering on about how simplified heroic characters might have been all right at one time, now we were beyond accepting all that, in the wake of Virginia Woolf...