The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42287   Message #613947
Posted By: little john cameron
20-Dec-01 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: World's best joke
Subject: RE: BS: World's best joke
Here's one to you guys and my pal Reg in TEXAS. I'll have to write this in english as he doesn't understand Dundosian.

Big Jim was driving down the road and saw this fine looking woman walking down the road, when he looked in his rear view to get a better view he noticed that it was his ex wife, so he pulled over and offered her a ride.When she got in he said he hardly recognised her as she had lost so much weight.She said that times had changed since they were married and she didn't have to eat all those pies and chips that he lived on.
Your hair is different too he said. Yes i get it done every week now that i have a job and my own money.Things have changed since we were married.
And look at the fancy clothes you have on,you never dressed like that before,things have certainly changed.
So they drove on and after a while she said that she had to go to the bathroom as she had been for a drink with the girls at work and was caught short.
No problemo says Jim and pulls the car over.Nip up behind those bushes over there ,there's no'one around to see you.
While she's gone he thinks, times have certainly changed since we were married, i wonder if she would do a bit for old times sake.
So he sneaks up behind her and sticks his hand through the bushes,after a bit of feeling around he says , i know you changed you figure and changed you hair and clothes,but have you changed your sex too. No !! she says," I've changed my mind I'M HAVING A SHIT!!!