The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41676   Message #614652
Posted By: GUEST,Argenine
22-Dec-01 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Friendly Beasts (Christmas)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tabby Cat Verse to 'Friendly Beasts'
Here's the version you referred to.


           The Friendly Beasts
           (new words by Joel Mabus, © 1999,
           based on old English folk song)

           Jesus our brother, kind and good
           Was born to us in a stable rude;
           Each friendly beast beside him stood.
           Jesus our brother, kind and good.

           "I," said the ass with the homely face
           "I brought his parents to this place;
           I bore the load, I kept the pace;"
           "I," said the ass with the homely face

           "I," said the ox, who went unfed,
           "I gave my manger for his bed;
           I gave my hay to rest his head."
          "I," said the ox, who went unfed."

           "I," said the lamb, all cut and shorn,
           "I gave my wool to keep him warm;
           He wore my coat on Christmas morn."
           "I," said the lamb, all cut and shorn."

           "I," said the dog, so brave and true,
           "I guarded him the whole night through,
           As if he were my own pup, too."
           "I," said the dog, so brave and true."

           "I," said the cat with the soft gray fur,
           "I made him smile with my purr.
           I snuggled close to him and her."
           "I," said the cat with the soft gray fur.

           "I," said the dove in the tree nearby,
           "I cooed for him so he would not cry.
           "We cooed, we cooed, my mate and I."
           "I," said the dove in the tree nearby."

           Each beast who would on Christmas Day
           Give, in his or her own way,
           No less a gift would He repay
           Each friendly beast of Christmas Day.