The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41545   Message #615095
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
22-Dec-01 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: Xmas Chanty Sing, Portland, Maine
Subject: RE: Xmas Chanty Sing, Portland, Maine
Sorry about the vocal probs, Cpt. K.; hope it's all better and you're feeling tip-top by at least NOW (?) There are a lot of "bugs" going around it seems. A'nt Mahtha & me have been feelin' a tad peaked the past few days but we reckon it'll pass presently, and hope that the roads , sinuses and voices will all be clear come Thursday.

Charlie; at Fife & Drum Corps rehearsals fri night, our Bass Drummer (Ret'd USN) mentioned hearing about the Japanese fishing boat that got bombed by the falling cow while he was stationed over there. He might just show up to hear the sad ballad you composed in memorium of the tragic event. Perhaps the Drum Major & his Wife (Fifer) might come and demonstrate "Whup Jamboree" or "Sailor's Hornpipe" on Military Fife & Drum.

Any chance of Gordon B.?

Blessings of the season, Amigos!