The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42397   Message #615773
Posted By: katlaughing
24-Dec-01 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Friends' house ransacked and burnt (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: Friends' house ransacked and burnt (UK)
Julie, I am so sorry to hear of this. I'll be sending good thoughts and love your way and to Daphne and John, their neighbours and that little angel who woke them all up; she must feel very brave.

There's a Mudcatter who lost an entire house and all of thier posessions to a lightening fire 3 years ago this last summer. I can tell you, from experience with them, that anything you can offer: a shoulder, help with mucking out, common household items, and just listening can help. It takes a long time first for the shock to set in and then to start in on living again, but it can take a lot longer to feel as though one really has "come back" to really live.

One thing their friends did was help them get set up in an apt., outfitting it with everything they'd need, even down to a few knicknacks to make it seem homier. Also, if your neighbours ever shared pictures, music, etc. with anyone, if those persons have copies, they could share them with them or give them back. The Mudcatter had done some beautiful wood carvings, which were all lost. Lo and behold another Mudcatter had a picture of one which had been received by email. It meant a lot to at least have that record of what they once had.

I am sorry, I know I am kind of jumping ahead, but we've just been through so much of this over the past couple of years, it is fresh in my mind.

Also, we had a house fire once, started by a crumbly furnace box. Fortunately we were all awake and put it out, but the fire chief said if we hadn't been, in ten minutes we would have all died that night. I am so glad to hear that your neighbours all survived.

I hope the police can catch the criminals and do more than just a slap on the wrist. They should be made to clean up the whole site with their bare hands and then help with the rebuilding, as well as spend time in gaol and pay restitution.
