The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41545   Message #616758
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
26-Dec-01 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: Xmas Chanty Sing, Portland, Maine
Subject: RE: Xmas Chanty Sing, Portland, Maine
Definitely planning to show eventually - working 'till 1530, then have to tend to some errands, feed & let the dogs out, pick up some fresh Guiness and that sort of thing. Muthah' is aware that she's on her own for supper Thurs. night and not to wait up; I'm assuming we'll be going strong nigh unto 2100 hrs. or so and who knows where we might wander from there. We pretty much got over the "night-life" thing years ago, but Portland is an interesting town don't ye know, even this time of the year.

One potential attendee was my good Amigo "MAV" who, due to frenetic activities elsewhere, hasn't been appearing on Mudcat all that much lately. He enjoyed his first "Shanty Sing" experience at a previous event (They don't do this much where he's from - Nebraska) and I like to think that several participants discoverd that he's not nearly the malevolent ogre that he was at one time cracked up to be.

Unfortunately, his Dad, who has been afflicted with terminal cancer for the past year or two passed over early this (Wed.12/26) Morning, and Mike has gone back to Nebraska to be with his Family for the next week or so. About 3 weeks ago his Dad was critical, and not expected to live through the night; MAV flew out despite being sick with a bad cold, and his Dad seemed to rally with the visit (needless to say, MAV and his Dad were very close). I think that they both realized that it was to be their last reunion on this Earth.

The supportive thoughts / Prayers of any so inclined for Mike and his Family are invited and welcomed to accompany mine as they confront this time of loss and grief.

Im' hoping that MAV can be with us at a subsequent Chanty hoot, and this time bring his harmonica (he's pretty handy with it!)

Save, if you will, a space nigh the foremast with some good sturdy deck underfoot fer yer' auld Uncle J., Mates; 'e'll be clambering aboard presently!