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Thread #42476   Message #617238
Posted By: GUEST,Paul
27-Dec-01 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christianity: Catholicism query
Subject: Christianity: Catholicism query
Before I start, I'd like to say that this question is, in no way, a criticism of any religious belief. I simply seek a better understanding.

Apologies for having to say that, but I've seen too many posts misunderstood here. Anyway, here's my question:

I was brought up as a Catholic, and I have a fair understanding of the Bible.

I do however, and have for a long time, wondered about how the Catholic faith interprets the 'Ten Commandments'

As far as I can see, the first two commandments are:

Don't worship other Gods, and

Don't worship 'graven images' (statues)

To me the Catholic faith betrays both of these. The worship of Mary, bowing down in front of various statues / alters, kissing the feet of a statue on Good Friday etc.

I'd be grateful if anyone can explain or point me towards a good site/book/whatever

I've done a quick net search and found this (WARNING PDF file) which suggests that there are 3 different versions of the Ten Commandments anyway...

I'd be grateful for help in something that has puzzled me for a long while.

Many thanks
