The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42482   Message #617513
Posted By: Mark Cohen
28-Dec-01 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: Tommy Thompson tribute
Subject: Tommy Thompson tribute
While nosing around looking for the words to the beautiful song "Hot Buttered Rum", which I'd just heard on, I found this wonderful articleabout the author of the song, Tommy Thompson, one of the founders of the Red Clay Ramblers, and the retrospective musical show in his honor, "A Tune for Tommy". I remember some time ago Bryan Bowers dropped by the Mudcat to remind people that he did not write "Hot Buttered Rum", Tommy Thompson did, and that Tommy was very ill with Alzheimer's. This article was from April 2001; I wonder if there is any followup info, if the show is still touring, etc.
