The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41545   Message #617582
Posted By: Charley Noble
28-Dec-01 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Xmas Chanty Sing, Portland, Maine
Subject: RE: Xmas Chanty Sing, Portland, Maine
Well, we had a small but energetic turnout for the shanty swap. Our Roll & Go members included Nor and Eli Dale, Dick Dufresne, Brett Burnham and "fian" Rebecca, and myself. Bobbi Keppel, a veteran folkie, Uncle Jaque, Barry Finn and his wife, John Paynter (newcomer to us), our hosts Stevens and Bunker and Sharon Bondroff, and a few bemused customers who were distracted from their shopping. Oh, I forgot Singapoor, the ancient store parrot who would break in from time to time with an appropriate or inappropriate squack! Barry led a Liverpoole version of what we know as the "Salt Petre Shanty" which Nor and Eli followed with "Hard Times in the Cryderville Jail" which has a surprisingly similar tune. Uncle Jaque did a robust version of "Cruisin' 'Round Yarmouth". We wanted to hear how Barry sang "Yangtse River Shanty" but he politely deferred to Dick. Brett and Eli did their nice rendition of "Maid on the Shore" but I forgot to ask Brett if he could follow it up with "I Never Will Marry." I did "West Indies Blues", "Limehouse Reach", "Shanghai Brown" and "Dead Dog Cider" (with the Rise Again break). Bobbie led "Pleasant and Delightful" and we shouted down the parody follow-ups. Barry also did "Blood Red Roses" and Dick led a Georgia Sea Islands song whose name escapes me but which I want to hear again. John led "Sloop John B" and a Pete Seeger song whose name escapes me. The beer and ale was plentiful, the chips and cheese filled in the gaps, and , thank the Great Cosmic Muffin, there was no fruitcake.

Sure is fun to get together and do this kind of thing. We may follow it up with another one in the spring, if it's OK with Singapoor.