The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9525   Message #61763
Posted By: Bruce O.
07-Mar-99 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: Vote for the best Love song Ever
Subject: RE: Vote for the best Love song Ever
I suspect that many people have forgotten it by now, but I am partial to a lovely duet sung by Inanna and Dumuzi in Sumer about 5000 years ago. A few of Inanna's lines go:

My honey-man, my honey-man sweetens me always.
My lord, the honey-man of the gods,
He is the one my womb loves best.
His hand is honey, his foot is honey,
He sweetens me always.
My eager impetuous caresser of the navel,
My caresser of the soft thighs,
He is the one my womb loves best.

In the spoken prologue:

Who will plow my vulva?

Great Lady, the king will plow your vulva.
I, Dumuzi the King, will plow your vulva.

The plow my vulva, man of my heart!
Plow my vulva.