The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9525   Message #61786
Posted By: Jerry Friedman
07-Mar-99 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Vote for the best Love song Ever
Subject: RE: Vote for the best Love song Ever
Trad: "He's Gone Away", "Black is the Color of my True Love's Hair", "Greensleeves" (no more than two verses)

In between: "To Celia" (words by Ben Jonson)

Written: "Gretchen am Spinnrade" (Schubert/Goethe), "Wie bist du, meine Koenigin" (Brahms/ some lyricist translating Hafiz), "Bridge over Troubled Water" (Simon), and yes, another vote for "The First Time" (MacColl).

Thank you, Bruce! And I apologize to the Germans for not knowing how to make an umlaut o.