The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42364   Message #618007
Posted By: CarolC
29-Dec-01 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: Censored Thread
Subject: RE: Censored Thread
In some ways it was, Clinton, but that's not the only reason I like the changes that have happened since I started Mudcatting.

My world has become so much bigger because of the internet. Not just on-line communicatons, but also all of the people (and fellow musicians) I've met in person whom I never would have met otherwise. And the month and a half that I spent in Canada last year would never have happened if I hadn't come to the Mudcat, and I cherish that experience.

And I wouldn't even know about Italian accordions versus German accordions had I not come here. I would probably still be a frustrated beginner trying to play the wrong kind and size of accordion. And I live in an area where there are no accordion players, so I was struggling to try to learn how to play with no help from anyone with any experience. The help I've recieved from Mudcatters who play the accordion has probably bumped me up quite a few levels in terms of my playing, above what I would be doing otherwise.

And I've become a better writer because of my involvement here. That's incredibly important to me for a number of different reasons, not the least of which is the creative outlet it provides me.

I'm not suggesting that you should have the same experience or perception of the internet that I have. But I felt that these things were worth saying.