The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42509   Message #618373
Posted By: Mark Cohen
29-Dec-01 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Wounded Knee Anniversary
Subject: Lyr Add: THE LAST BATTLE (Bill Gallaher)
Bill Gallaher's song "The Last Battle" was recorded by Gordon on In the Kind Land, as well as by Bill and Jake Galbraith on "The Grand Illusion". Here are the words, as transcribed from Bill and Jake's tape; I don't think they're in the DT.


(Bill Gallaher)

An east wind blew in the storms of time
Where the Métis lived by the winding river
For on a steel rail the settlers came
To the south Saskatchewan and the land they claimed

Oh come, Riel, we'll make a stand
Here at Batoche beside the river
Oh never mind their Gatling guns
If we lose this time, we've lost forever

Then three Métis and Gabriel
Rode like the wind to wild Montana
And on the sweet grass in a church of stone
They found their savior and they took him home

[CHORUS] Saying, "Come, Riel..."

Then the bullets flew and the cannons roared
And the Métis blood flowed like a river
Into the coulis where they ran to hide
It washed their dreams away and their spirits died


Then a silence stole across the land
The drums of war were gone forever
But in the starlight on the barren plains
The cry of Gabriel flies on the wind