The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42509   Message #618406
Posted By: Kaleea
29-Dec-01 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Wounded Knee Anniversary
Subject: RE: BS: Wounded Knee Anniversary
Fiolar, I suspect that there are many who did not learn about Wounded Knee from History in public school or even in college. I learned from family & friends of Wounded Knee , as well as many other tragedies not taught in our public schools. I recall not too many years ago, Tom Brokaw did a TV special about Wounded Knee, filmed at that locale. It was extraordinary to see a major network news anchor giving prime time to that subject. The book "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" was given to me by my mother, and the other book mentioned above "Black Elk Speaks" was given to me by a family friend who decided that he would do one more project before his bum heart gave out completely, and that project was to produce "Black Elk Speaks." If these lessons are going to be learned, we who know of these truths, must teach them. We must educate our chidlren, our family, our friends, and we must take it upon ourselves to use our rights & privileges as Americans to do all we can to preserve the freedom of all Americans, so that these such tragedies do not occur again. For while we cannot erase the past, we can have an impact on the future. There are many in the arts who use their celebrity to make films, or music which can be beneficial to educate & further these causes. If you have never been around any Navite Americans, find an opportunity to take your family to cultural activities sponsored by local navite Americans in your community, as well as cultural activities in your community which might expose you or your children to Asian, Swedish, ect., you get the picture, I think. Yes, we should remember the past mistakes and learn from them, and propel our fellow travelers on planet earth into more peaceful times. We can set an example by practicing the "golden rule," someting which is often forgotten.