The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9525   Message #61845
Posted By: Big Mick
07-Mar-99 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: Vote for the best Love song Ever
Subject: RE: Vote for the best Love song Ever
Vulva ploughing?????????? While it is an activity for which I have great respect and admiration, you could have gotten me to bet every last thing I own, and half of what you own, that it would not end up as part of a song lyric, never mind in a love song. LOL LMAO.

I couldn't even begin to figure out the greatest, but as Elliot said, The Dutchman is a song about real love. Every time I sing it.........I am just filled with the depth of feeling in it. And "The Hiring Fair" is certainly an amazing tale of the lusty kind of love that we experience only once in our lives. I love interpreting that one as well.

All the best,
